Since I once lived in Orlando, I thought I would write something regarding the tragic events of Sunday June 12, 2016. I am more than heartbroken over the lives lost in that night club shooting. Senseless is the word that comes to my mind. Hateful and unjust! We have no right to determine who lives or dies. God is the righteous one who will judge us all! I am so sorry for the families of those precious souls that died. I am praying for you. I am praying also that the ones who were injured will survive and that this event will work for their good. Thank you Orlando for stepping up and coming together to support those who need supporting right now. I pray the Body of Christ steps up in these times to proclaim the love of Jesus. Young and old died in that shooting. Tomorrow is not promised to us, so we better live each day like it is our last. Please pray for Orlando!
Dee Stokes Ministries, Inc.
Dee Stokes Ministries, Inc.