We believe in the Trinity-God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Deut. 6.4; John 6.27; John 7.39; I John 5.20; Luke 4.1
We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and all things written are true, has been and shall be accomplished. All Scripture is God breathed. II Timothy 3.15-17
We believe in the virgin birth of Christ, that He was sinless, was fully God and fully man, died, was buried, and resurrected. Isaiah 7.14; Matt. 1.23; II Cor. 5.21; John 5.17-30; Matt. 27.45-66; Mark 15.33-47; Luke 23.44-56; John 19.28-42; Matt. 28.1-15; Mark 16.1-8; Luke 24.1-12; John 20.1-10
We believe Salvation is a gift and is received by grace through faith apart from works.Ephesians 2.1-10; Romans 10.9-13
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells all believers in Jesus Christ once they are saved, and that believers should separate themselves from sin. John 14.16-18; Ephesians 4.17-32; 5.15-21
We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a subsequent experience to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit received when one first accepts Christ into their heart. We believe this gift is available to all believers and it provides power to be a witness, speak in other tongues, prophesy, heal, and perform other spiritual gifts. Acts 1.8; 2.4; 10.44-48; I Cor. 12.1-11
We believe in Divine healing and that Christ took 39 stripes for our healing. Isaiah 53.5; I Peter 2.24; James 5.14-15
We believe that water baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Communion/ Eucharist) are ordinances/sacraments of the church. Baptism is the outward response or act to an inward change. Christ said when receiving the Lord’s Supper, “do this in remembrance of me.” Acts 2.38; Romans 6.3-10; Luke 22.19; I Cor. 11.24
We believe in 5-fold ministry for the equipping of the saints. Ephesians 4.1-16
We believe in the visible, bodily return of Christ to this earth to claim His bride. I Thess. 4.13-18; Rev. 1.7
We believe that sexual intimacy and marriage were instituted by God to be entered into and enjoyed between one man and one woman for life.
Genesis 2.18-25
We are commanded to love God and neighbor. DSM, INC. vows to love God and neighbor as ourselves.
Deuteronomy 6.4-5; Matthew 22.37-39
All persons should receive respect regardless of our differences and DSM, INC. vows to value and respect all people, and show no partiality or prejudice against anyone.
James 2.9: I Timothy 5.21
DSM, INC. vows to clothe ourselves in humility and humble ourselves before the Lord.
Colossians 3.12; James 4.10
DSM, INC. also vows to clothe ourselves in kindness. Everyone deserves to be shown kindness.
Colossians 3.12
DSM, INC. believes that God loves diversity of all kinds. We support God's love for diversity and vow to uphold it.
Revelation 7.9
We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and all things written are true, has been and shall be accomplished. All Scripture is God breathed. II Timothy 3.15-17
We believe in the virgin birth of Christ, that He was sinless, was fully God and fully man, died, was buried, and resurrected. Isaiah 7.14; Matt. 1.23; II Cor. 5.21; John 5.17-30; Matt. 27.45-66; Mark 15.33-47; Luke 23.44-56; John 19.28-42; Matt. 28.1-15; Mark 16.1-8; Luke 24.1-12; John 20.1-10
We believe Salvation is a gift and is received by grace through faith apart from works.Ephesians 2.1-10; Romans 10.9-13
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells all believers in Jesus Christ once they are saved, and that believers should separate themselves from sin. John 14.16-18; Ephesians 4.17-32; 5.15-21
We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a subsequent experience to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit received when one first accepts Christ into their heart. We believe this gift is available to all believers and it provides power to be a witness, speak in other tongues, prophesy, heal, and perform other spiritual gifts. Acts 1.8; 2.4; 10.44-48; I Cor. 12.1-11
We believe in Divine healing and that Christ took 39 stripes for our healing. Isaiah 53.5; I Peter 2.24; James 5.14-15
We believe that water baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Communion/ Eucharist) are ordinances/sacraments of the church. Baptism is the outward response or act to an inward change. Christ said when receiving the Lord’s Supper, “do this in remembrance of me.” Acts 2.38; Romans 6.3-10; Luke 22.19; I Cor. 11.24
We believe in 5-fold ministry for the equipping of the saints. Ephesians 4.1-16
We believe in the visible, bodily return of Christ to this earth to claim His bride. I Thess. 4.13-18; Rev. 1.7
We believe that sexual intimacy and marriage were instituted by God to be entered into and enjoyed between one man and one woman for life.
Genesis 2.18-25
We are commanded to love God and neighbor. DSM, INC. vows to love God and neighbor as ourselves.
Deuteronomy 6.4-5; Matthew 22.37-39
All persons should receive respect regardless of our differences and DSM, INC. vows to value and respect all people, and show no partiality or prejudice against anyone.
James 2.9: I Timothy 5.21
DSM, INC. vows to clothe ourselves in humility and humble ourselves before the Lord.
Colossians 3.12; James 4.10
DSM, INC. also vows to clothe ourselves in kindness. Everyone deserves to be shown kindness.
Colossians 3.12
DSM, INC. believes that God loves diversity of all kinds. We support God's love for diversity and vow to uphold it.
Revelation 7.9