Maybe you are a person who does NOT believe in Divine healing. Well, I believe in it wholeheartedly and have seen it manifest in my own life. Wednesday night I took my son (I am really mom #2) to a Benny Hinn service in Orlando. I went for the sole purpose of him getting healed that night. When I was invited to the event by the host pastor, I felt the Holy Spirit stir me and say "that is the night C.J. will be healed." I changed my plans in order to go and take him to the event. The video below is a short one minute testimony on C.J.'s healing. Click on the picture and view the video. If you need healing, please go boldly to the throne of grace where you will find mercy and grace in time of need. He is waiting on you to ask and it shall be given unto you. If you need help seeking God in this manner, please reply to this email and I will go to the throne on your behalf. Jesus took 39 stripes for our healing, so it is available to you if you only believe and ask. Bless you today!
It has been about 20 days since I last communicated with you. Many things have happened in that short period of time, which I will communicate below. But, first I wanted to give you a fundraising update. We are still in need of securing the additional 30 monthly donors for the ministry. Thanks to those who have jumped on board. Any investment amount into Kingdom activity will be appreciated. We could not do what we do without you. Thanks to our already existing partners, those who have been added, and to those who give one-time and/or periodically. You are truly a blessing. Donations can be made online via or made payable to DSM, INC. and mailed to 4046 N. Goldenrod Rd. #265, Winter Park, FL 32792. Bless you!
I attended and participated in The Light of the World Interdenominational International Association’s Holy Convocation July 12-19. All week long God showed me things and whispered things in my ear. It began early in the week when during a service He showed me that I would be close to and get to know an elder in the church and his minister wife. Of course, I thought that was nuts cause I didn’t know anyone…anyway, I was asked to preach the last session of the convocation, and what an honor and privilege that was for the Archbishop of the association to ask me to do so and she didn’t even know me. We had only spoken over the phone. But God had a significant plan that neither of us fully realized at the time. On Wednesday of that week, I was feeling the weight of the message I was to deliver, so I decided to skip the morning session and hang out in my room with the Lord. I broke my fasting and praying at about 3pm, and downloaded a game on my iPad. It was Wheel of Fortune for all you Wheel lovers…LOL…I was bored with the easy categories so I unlocked the category of countries hoping it would be more challenging. The first country that popped up was a place I never knew was a country. You guessed it, the country was GEORGIA. You might see where I am going with this story, but this is all true. Friday of that week the Archbishop had a business luncheon at the country club and I was invited. Two pastors stood up and told their stories, and it affected me in such a profound way because they were talking straight to me. I began to cry and could not stop myself from crying. I approached both pastors afterward, spoke to them, and the tears just flowed. This was not a church service, but a country club meeting, but God was working on me. Sunday I preached and told the church that I was overwhelmed by their love and support and I was like an orphan without a spiritual family and in need of a mother. I felt God’s love and the love of the people. My heart was so full. I traveled back to Florida on Monday July 20 and in the airport and on the plane, I could hardly compose myself. I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. God did something in my heart that was significant. Then while on the plane and walking off the plane, the Lord showed me a vision of where I would be living and with whom I would be living. In the vision I was cooking for them. The place He showed me was upstairs and was a big space almost like a suite, and it was the home of the people He showed me earlier in the week that I would be close to. My roommates picked me up from the Ft Lauderdale airport, we ate lunch, and I tried to take a nap, but couldn’t. I had to call the family that the Lord showed me I was to live with. As soon as I got on the phone, I began to cry and said, “I AM MOVING TO ATLANTA!” With those words, faith began to rise in me and I feel like the angels took those words and ran with them, and every since, I have been blessed immeasurably. I was offered that room that God already showed me I was to live in. He is good….so I am moving to Atlanta…now the word for today is allow God to do the 'new thing' that He has been trying to do in your life. He gave me this word in Cuba and then sent me to Isaiah 43 a few weeks after Cuba, then reminded me of it again Sunday morning…so I am now preparing to preach this word soon. As I was moving my stuff out of storage on Monday, I cried. Not because of the stinking stuff, but because I disobeyed God when He told me months ago to downsize. I repented while throwing dishes, pots, pans, glasses, etc away. If we keep looking in the rear view mirror and carrying baggage from place to place, or keep resting on our laurels, we are not allowing God to do the 'new thing' He wants to do in our lives. Leave what’s behind and press toward the goal…come on…get out of your comfort zone and truly trust God today. I know this newsletter was long, but I feel in my spirit that someone reading this needs this message. You can do it. Step out on faith. Faith is an action word, and I am sick of preaching about faith (which I will do next Saturday in Sebring) if I don’t live by faith! Walk by faith and NOT by sight and trust God. I double dog dare you! Send me the praise reports. Blessings…HALLELUJAH! |
AuthorDr. Dee Stokes welcomes you to her website blog. One of the joys of her life is discipling coaches. These blogs are meant to keep you up to date on what is going on in the ministry. Please subscribe to the blog's RSS Feed and receive blog posts as they are published! Archives
October 2018
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