"Cultivating Champions in Business And in Life Who Live Out The Gospel Practically"

A Word from Dr. Stokes...
Hello and welcome to our website. We prepared this website to share our passion for Christ and for education and leadership. No matter your background or area of expertise, there is a strong and urgent pulse of energy we want to share with your company, church, or organization. We are dedicated to motivate and improve leaders to become the very best they were designed to be, and show them how to live out the Gospel practically. We are STOKED to work with you!
Hello and welcome to our website. We prepared this website to share our passion for Christ and for education and leadership. No matter your background or area of expertise, there is a strong and urgent pulse of energy we want to share with your company, church, or organization. We are dedicated to motivate and improve leaders to become the very best they were designed to be, and show them how to live out the Gospel practically. We are STOKED to work with you!
Quick Menu of Services
#ChurchunusualOur ministry wants to impact the world for Christ and His Kingdom, reaching the lost and empowering the believer to have a relationship with Christ.
LeadershipBecause of globalization and technology, the 21st Century leader must be culturally intelligent, strategic, aware and sensitive.
Coach to CoachCoaches have the ability to affect change in generational ways where others can be reached on a national and global level.
Cultural Intelligence
Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is an individual’s capability to function, manage, and be effective in intercultural settings.